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Luciano gavazzi 25 Aoû 2014 14:27 #37271

  • alexandrejacquinot
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Monsieur Gavazzi est décédé ce 20 août.
Il restera l'un des plus fameux si ce n'est le plus fameux constructeur de Vauriens par la qualité de ses bateaux.
Luciano Gavazzi souhaitait venir à Grosseto afin de participer à la remise des trophées mais sa grande fatigue l'en a empêché présence de magnifiques Vauriens estampillés Gavazzi pendant les régates nous ont permis d'admirer la manière dont ce bateau peut être réalisé avec finesse et efficacité.

Dear Vaurien Friends,

Luciano Gavazzi has died. The skilful craftsman who built thousands of wooden Vauriens deceased on august 20th. He had been one of the first ship builders to be fascinated by Herbulot’s most famous project and since the fifties he concurred to the history of our class. It is better to say that he concurred to the history of modern sailing in general.

He deeply loved his work and especially loved his wooden Vauriens, many of them are still sailing all over Europe, and sometimes beyond, just proving how Luciano was able to transform his love into masterpieces of accuracy and solidity.

At the last Vaurien Worlds in Marina di Grosseto we would have liked Luciano Gavazzi to come and give prizes to the Wooden category boats, but he was already too ill. Those boats were all Gavazzi’s. Those boats and all the wooden Vauriens that will continue to sail in his name are now the prize to his life.

Maurizio Raffaelli, IVCA President

Firenze, August 21, 2014
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Dernière édition: par alexandrejacquinot.
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