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NATIONAL VAURIEN en ALLEMAGNE 18 Mai 2009 13:08 #3650

  • Jean-Jacques
  • Portrait de Jean-Jacques Auteur du sujet
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  • Messages : 2659
  • Remerciements reçus 324
Bien que une semaine seulement avant notre régate aux Moutiers, nos amis allemands nous invitent à leur national, sur un plan d'eau remarquable.
Je me dois de vous faire suivre l'information.

Once again some information about the German Open (11.-14. June) in Essen (Baldeneysee):

- According to the organizing club we expect up to 40(!) boats from different countries
- If you want to participate, please make your entry as soon as possible to make the organization easier.
* entries can be done online at:
* Choose "Online-Meldung" on the left
* Scroll down to "German Open Vaurien" and click on "Vaurien"
* Enter your date

* Alternatively you can send an email to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

- Please state your shirt size and whether you want a man-shirt or woman-shirt in the entry
- Please tell us whether you want to stay in a car, mobile-home or tent. If it's a tent, please give the size of the tent!

- Just as a reminder
* Entry fee: 120 ?
* All food (breakfast, lunch, dinner) included
* Party (with music) on Saturday evening
* Camping, toilet and shower included

- If you need further information or any help, please contact me.

Best regards,

Peter Lakshmanan
AS Vaurien Germany.

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